Pushing The Ache Away: Is A Massage Beneficial For Arthritis Sufferers?

Posted on: 13 February 2018

Summer is almost over in Australia, and that means a drop in temperature is just around the corner. When it comes to arthritis, 15% of the population is afflicted with a version of this condition. This winter you want to be prepared before it gets really cold, as low temperatures make your joints ache.  It has been suggested you give massage a try, but you have doubts it can do anything to take the pain away since the issue lies within your bones. Here are a few things you need to know about massage and its effect on arthritis.

Does massage reduce the effects of arthritis?

The bad news is that massage is not going to permanently undo the two main effects of arthritis, which are damaged joints and inflammation in the arthritic area. However, the good news is that certain types of massage reduce the side effects of arthritis. The side effects you can receive temporary relief from include:

  • a reduction in swelling thanks to an increase in blood circulation
  • a decrease of tense muscles as massaging touch loosens them
  • a reduction in stress levels as massage helps reduce your cortisol levels by up to half

When your body is less swollen, tense and stressed, it is easier to feel positive about combating arthritis. So, which types of massage are good for you when arthritis pain is driving you to distraction?

Best massage choices for arthritis

There are two different massage choices which will help you feel better during winter. Firstly, consider booking a remedial massage. The purpose of a remedial massage is to tackle injuries within a body. While arthritis is not an injury as such, it is a source of pain and discomfort, and those are symptoms remedial massage can target. A remedial massage targets specific body areas, rather than being an all over body treatment. Therefore, a remedial massage is performed on the arthritic areas which are causing you the most pain.

The other type of massage which will help you through winter is a relaxation massage. When arthritis becomes painful, it is easy for that pain to spread through the rest of your body as you tense your muscles while in pain. This muscle tension puts the rest of your body under stress, which creates additional aches and pains. A regular relaxation massage takes this tension away and gives you one less source of body stress. 

Before the temperature starts to drop, talk to a local massage therapist to find out their opinion on which massage treatment program which suits you best.
